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Le Mondial SAQ 2002
Montréal International Fireworks Competition Report

Belgium Two Worlds, One Family June 29th, 2002

Hendickx Lefeber Fireworks. Group director Marc Lefeber, traditional manual firing.

'Family members belonging to this group have transmitted the secrets of their trade from one generation to the other since the late 18th century. Since the death of its great master Eugène Hendickx, two years ago, the company has refrained from international competition. Their performance will be in homage to the later master, Giovanni Panzera (died 2001).'

Perfect warm summer weather and a long holiday weekend brought out large crowds of people to witness the debut display from this Belgium company. Using traditional manual electric firing, they intended to use the same style of display as that presented in the competitions in their native Knokke-Heist, on the North Sea coast.

Part 1 to the music You'll be in my heart by Phil Collins. The display opened with mine fronts and barrages of salutes above. Then silver glitter comet and bombettecandles. These were followed by a repeating sequence of mines of clusters of silver comets, with shells of glitter comets above and the same in bombettes. Next, shells of gold glitter comets with gold glitter bombette candles below and then large silver shells above. Next, crossed charcoal comet to blue bombette candles and mines. These were followed by green comet candles and more mines and then gold comet bombette candles. Above these, silver comet shells followed by blue shells and then multi-break shell-of-shells. Next, bright yellow-headed meteor comet candles which were then augmented by gold comet bombette candles. These were followed by mines of crackling glitter with red heart shells above. Next, barrages of comet to red star shells followed by blue bombette candles. More shells of comets turning to red and then shells with dual concentric hearts. These were followed by candles of silver kamuro bombettes and then followed by more comet to red shell barrages. Shells of charcoal comets increased in size, with red star tips, then silver tips and finally large ones ending in crackle, bringing the segment to a close.

Part 2 to the music The Bells of Notre Dame by Alan Menken and Stephen Schwartz. Fans of charcoal comet candles ending in crackle were followed by volleys of salutes with large multi-break shell-of-shells in colours and comets above, then volleys of salutes and shells of tourbillons. More volleys of salutes and then shells of silver comets, large colour shells above with salute volleys below followed by shells of colour stars and glitter comets, the segment coming to a close with large shells of blue turning to silver.

Part 3 to the music Circle of Life by Elton John and Tim Rice. A line of fountains opened up along the floating ramp as meteor headed comet candles arced left and right and were augmented by silver kamuro bombettes. Then candles of white stars in the centre with the meteor comets arcing left and right. These were followed by candles of pink stars in the left, right and centre with ring shells above, echoing the lyric. The ring shells continued, with some hearts and then moved to fans of bombette star candles. These continued and were followed by silver kamuro bombettes with ring shells above and then gold glitter meteor comet candles. The segment came to a close with barrages of ring shells.

Part 4 to the music The Eggs Travel by Janes Newton Howard. A line of strobes lit up along the floating ramp with mines of stars in the centre with shells of smallish sparse stars above. Then mines of stars and mines of crossing-stars followed by gold glitter candles and mines of tourbillons and crackle. Next, low shells of stars ending in crackle with mines of tourbillons. These were followed by bombette candles and then shells of gold broccade. The size and number of these increased, bringing the segment to a close as the broccade stars trailed down to the lake.

Part 5 to the music Someday my prince will come by Adriana Caseloti. Bright headed comets in clusters fired from mines at the left, right and centre opened this segment. These were followed by groups of silver kamuro shells in threes, becoming larger. This theme continued for the whole segment, coming to a close when the sky was filled.

Part 6 to the music Puppy Love by Paul Anka. Candles of bombette stars opening this segment with pattern shells in smiley faces and hearts above. This theme continued and was followed by bombette candles of gold kamuros. Next, multi-break shell-of-shells of silver comets and then the purple stars and gold comets. More multi-break shell-of-shells in red. Then shells of larger star-fish comets and some with crackling comets, the segment coming to a close with crackling comet shells.

Part 7 to the music A whole new world by Peabo Bryson and Regina Belle. A line of glitter fountains lit up along the floating ramp with bright silver ball candles above. Then bombette candles and candles of silver glitter comets. Next, candles of gold comets with gold fireflies with low star shells above these. More gold glitter candles and mines of clusters of comets in the centre followed by candles of fans of silver comets. Above these, bombettes of red stars turning to crackle with gold broccade shells above these. The gold broccade shells continued and were followed by charcoal comet kamuros and then brighter pale gold kamuros. Next, shells of colour and comets, becoming larger and followed by more charcoal comet shells and then crackling charcoal comets. These were followed by paler gold charcoal comets and then shells with thicker comets which fell slowly, the segment coming to a close with dim broccades, trailing to the lake.

Part 8 to the music A start is born by Jocelyn Brown. This began with salute candles and pattern shells of the Mercedes three-pointed star and ring logo. Then candles of comets which turned over and became salutes with multi-break shell-of-shells in stars and comets above. Then more of the Mercedes logo shells followed by more multi-break shell-of-shells. These were followed by shells of colour tipped silver comets and more multi-break shell-of-shells in really deep red. This theme continued with the segment came to a close with large shells of silver turning to strobe and then to really deep red stars.

Part 9 to the music Two world finale by P. Collins and Mark Mancina. The final segment began with bombette candles and whistling serpents and barrages of low comet shells. Then volleys of large titanium salutes as the pace increased and barrages of multi-break shell-of-shells in stars and comets fired above with salute candles below. The pace increased, the sky filled with multi-break shells, huge titanium salutes at a lower level, coming to a final close with a thunderous volley of huge salutes.

This was a very traditional display, the homage to Giovanni Panzera being clearly seen with the large numbers of Roman candles used. There were some particularly nice gold glitter comets used, as well as some shells with very deep red stars. Synchronization was good in places, hearts breaking in the sky as the lyric talked about hearts, but, at times, the synchronization was poor with shells continuing after the end of a piece of music. As a debut display it was interesting, but, unfortunately, no use was made of the lake. It was also difficult to discern the title theme from the music used. With several upcoming displays using digital firing, I don't think the Belgians will be on the podium this time.


Thanks to the public relations people of La Ronde for the official press release material, shown in white.