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 Montreal Fireworks Forum —› News —› A Spanish finale (Fallas 2005 Ricardo Caballer)
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Posted: Jul 19, 2005 13:06:00   Edited by: fireworksforum

For all the aficionados of Spanish displays and especially finales, check out this video of a Ricasa (Ricardo Caballer) display that was shot at the 2005 Fallas in Valencia.


Be patient as it takes a while to get going but I promise that you'll see an incredible finale.


Posted: Jul 19, 2005 19:57:24


This was an INCREDIBLE ending! It reminds me of a couple we've witnessed in the past! Thank you so much! But it barely took me 2 minutes to download, since my new pc in quite the speed type.

It was an excellent ending and I hope we see something like THAT soon. It's been so rare lately.

Enkil, you'll have to see that one, for sure!!!



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