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 Montreal Fireworks Forum —› News —› Global Fest 2006 - Calgary International Fireworks
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Posted: Aug 27, 2006 22:41:16

The winners of Global Fest 2006 (Calgary International Fireworks Competition) are:

PyroMagic Productions (Hong Kong)
Designed by: Patrice Guy

Four teams competed this year:

Mushroom Productions (South Africa)
Steffes-Ollig (Germany)
Big Bang Fireworks (Canada)
PyroMagic Productions (Hong Kong)

In addition, PyroMagic Productions also captured the People's Choice award.


Posted: Oct 23, 2006 17:25:41

pyromagic ??? les chinois ne peuvent pas encore venir ?? aux moins c'est encore royal pyrotechnie qui remplace pyromagic, la dernière fois remonte a 2003 je pense, aux mondial SAQ c'est accause du SRARS que les chinois n'ont pas pus venir,mais le prix a été remis a royal malgré tout !! mais j'ne comprend pas la raison cette année pourquoi les chinois n'ont pas pus venir ?

Posted: Oct 24, 2006 08:08:18

Selon les informations dont j'avais pris connaissance à l'époque, l'équipe complète d'Hop Kee n'avait pas été en mesure de venir à Montréal en raison du SRAS, sauf le concepteur Patrice Guy qui possède sa citoyenneté canadienne. Si je me souviens bien, aussi, les artificiers de Royal Pyrotechnie n'avait pas pu assister l'équipe d'Hop Kee puisqu'ils compétitionnaient à Montréal la même année.

Par ailleurs, je ne crois pas que vous devez déduire que "les chinois ne peuvent pas encore venir". Ma compréhension des choses est que Patrice Guy est à l'emploi d'Hop Kee:



Posted: Oct 25, 2006 09:46:26

PyroMagic Productions hired Patrice Guy to design the display for Globalfest. In addition, they hired Canadian technicians to setup the display due to the fact that they were busy with a large fireworks display in China.


Posted: Oct 26, 2006 00:54:59

Hi guys,

Personally, I'd love to see a Chinese display again. The performance by Sunny International in 2004 was very nicely done and had a fitting finale. The display itself was, as always, very traditional and had such quality instilled that it created magnificent authenticity to the point where it couldn't damage its overall prowess; it was well executed and brilliantly concocted.



Posted: Oct 31, 2006 22:20:24

Bonjour a tous. J'ai travaillé cet été à la compétition du Lac des nation avec Patrice Guy. Il est engagé par pyromagic, il voyage a travers le monde pour monter des shows. Pyro magic la engagé vla quelques années à cause de sa grande connaisance du systeme de tire pyrodigital. Il a concu des show de 3 - 4 millions des $$$$ en europe.

Pour ce qui est de la ronde en 2003, oui c'est des artificiers du Québec qui on monté le show, il a meme quelques gars qui on monté le show de Royal et le show de pyro magic.

Posted: Nov 4, 2006 22:13:30

Hello All,

This is turning into an urban legend! Let me set the facts straight:

-2003 show: We had a team of Chinese technicians lined up for this show. Unfortunately, they were denied entry because of the SARS epidemic. This happenned 2 weeks before our first day of setup. So, I called a few Canadian friends to see if they could come and help us out. Some of them were freelancers that work with Royal, some others came from Ontario. None of our team members worked on Royal's show, as this would be against the competition's rule and the organisers would not let it happen. I also would not let it happen. This is a competition!

Globalfest shows of 2005 and 2006: This competition is much smaller than Montreal and the budget is also smaller. Also, Montreal pays for foreign techs to be flown in whereas Globalfest does not. Therefore, it was out of the question to fly in techs from Hong Kong for this show. So, we did the next best thing wich is to hire the same Canadian techs that usually help us for our shows in Hong Kong. The team that fired the shows for Globalfest is the same team that has fired the Chinese New year's shows in HK for the past three years.

Please let me state this once and for all: There is absolutely no link between Royal and Pyromagic. I used to work at Royal, and I have a lot of friends there. It is only natural for me to call on these friends to come and help me out when we do a show in Canada. When I do shows in Italy, I call on Italian friends, same when I had to do a show in Spain, I had Spanish friends helping me out over there.

Royal fireworks is one of the most renowed fireworks company in Canada and Yannik Roy is an extremely talented designer. He doesn't need to impersonate another company to go out and win awards, he can do it perfectly well on his own.

Also, I did shoot a few shows in Europe, but none of them had a budget of 3-4 millions $, as was stated in a previous post, far from it!

Lastly, Globalfest 2006 was the last show I designed for Pyromagic. I have since moved on to another company and I am not involved with Pyromagic anymore.


Patrice Guy

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