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Posted: Nov 26, 2004 01:38:10

I am a french pyrothechnician and I can confirm that anybody is calling shells "cartouche" It is really the term "bombe that is used" But as for terminology, i have something to suggest for your french definition. In place of "fil electrique" put "allumette electrique" wich in english mean electric match. That term will fit better the kind of wire that you are talking.

IN case you dont know, an "e-match" is a wire that is set to make a little short that will ignite a bulb filled with powder. This will create a litle explosion, wich is sufficient to lite the shell. This only need a little amount of electricity (I think 0.5 mA but not sure...)

Posted: Nov 26, 2004 14:17:40   Edited by: Smoke


Here's one of the lightning pictures that I used in my presentation. I chose it because it resembles Montreal during that violent electrical supercell that we had in July, 1999. I had others that I used, but this is my favorite one. These were all taken by Gene Moore.

Here's the link:


These are some my other personal favorites:





Posted: Nov 27, 2004 13:17:36   Edited by: Enkil

thx for the info Anonymous! any information helps

very interessing Smoke,
honestly, ive never that much of lightning, i wonder where they hit..

Smoke, here's the text on "Spectacle pyrotechnique"

before, take a look at the Powerpoint presentation i did

here's the screenshots:

here's the text i have to learn by heart for Thursday:

Spectacle pyrotechnique
Assemblage de plusieurs pièces pyrotechniques pour créer une spectacle. Chaque pièce est connectée à une allumette electrique reliée à une console de mise-à-feu informatisée. Cette console contrôle le tir de une ou plusieurs pièces selon une séquence pré-établie.

Faire quoi avec?

Une synchronisation parfaite
Le clip que vous allez voir est un exemple de synchronisation parfaite. Le choix de matériel pyrotechnique et les couleurs reflètent les instruments employés dans la musique.

Une finale intense
Une finale intense est le segment le plus appréciée des spectateurs. Une spectacle pyrotechnique n'a pas de limite. Elle peut très intense. [IPON 1998 video, 20sec]

Les avantages

Les feux d'artifice attirent beaucoup de monde. Des événement comme le Mondial SAQ, à La Ronde attrirent même des touristes à l'exterieur de Québec.Il y a une impacte économique, indirectement. [Panzera 2004, final 20sec]

C'est le divertissement, la joie de n'importe quel âge, origine ou couleur de peau etc... Ils réunissent les personnes. Le but des feux d'artifice est de rendre les gens heureux.

Les désavantages

De plus en plus les gens se plaigent de la fumée causée par les feux d'artifice. C'est seulement une question de temps avant que les feux d'artifice soient interdits partout. Mais présentement, plusieurs pyrotechniciens sont en train de chercher des moyens à produire des feux d'artifice sans fumée. C'est un problème difficile avec aucun solution évidente.


Enfin, j'aimerais dire que les feux d'artifices sont quelque chose de magique. Le public n'a pas jamais eu l'opportunité de comprendre les feux d'artifices profondément, comme vous. J'espère qu'on vous a appris plus sur les feux d'artifice et que la prochain fois vous les verrez , vous saurez comment ils sont produits.


this is my part, i will post the other when i get it

Posted: Nov 27, 2004 18:09:33


how do we say "firecraker" in french?

Posted: Nov 28, 2004 15:08:26   Edited by: Smoke


Sorry for the late reply.

I hope you liked the lightning pics!

It looks like your project has a very thorough analysis. I like the way you constructed it. The into looks very appealing.

I also took a look at your powerpoint notes. Are you still going to demonstrate a finale simulation from the Mondial SAQ?

And another question. How long do you expect the presentation to last?

As for saying firecracker in french...........I've no clue! Sorry!

BTW, correct me if I'm mistaken but, wasn't this project due in January?



Posted: Nov 28, 2004 16:03:23

Are you still going to demonstrate a finale simulation from the Mondial SAQ?
opps, sorry I did a mistake on that
I will show the panzera video, [Panzera 2004, final 20sec]

How long do you expect the presentation to last?
the teacher said max 10min, but i dont know, really

BTW, correct me if I'm mistaken but, wasn't this project due in January?

no, it changed, everything must be finish by December

as for firecracker in french, I dont need to know anymore

Posted: Nov 28, 2004 18:28:20


Well, let me know if you need any help practicing your presentation. It's Thursday, right? You got time. I'll have quite a bit to do as well. In fact this is my last week of school (and CEGEP). This is why I'm going to have a lot of work to do, particularly in final exams and essays.


Posted: Dec 1, 2004 14:05:19


Good luck on your presentation tomorow. I'm sure you have everything organized by now and are perfectly ready.

Make sure you think of us, the summer and the Mondial SAQ when you present your seminar.

Best of luck!


Posted: Dec 1, 2004 19:25:08

thx Smoke,

im so shy, im going to be in front of 34 ppl
so embarrassing!

im going to turn all red when i show them Panzera's final, then im going to forget everything i learned, im sure

ill keep posted

Posted: Dec 2, 2004 12:03:47

Yes, make sure you tell me how it went.

Best of luck,


Posted: Dec 2, 2004 12:04:50


That's me posting anonymously! I forgot to log in!



Posted: Dec 2, 2004 14:21:47


it went very well, at the end the teacher came to me and told me that the students were very into it and it was excellent

but unfortunatly (yup, there always have to be problem), problems happened with my partner, he messed the setup (how to work), he accidently spoke english durning the experience and the teacher told him to speak french, which caused a bit of problem

another problem, i stopped him, at the end when he wanted to answer the students question, i had to stop him becuz i was afraid he was going to answer it in a simple way...

now that the project is over, i can tell u honestly, i wasnt very satisfied with him, i just didnt feel the fireworks conection like when u and i talk, i guess u can say we're different minded ppl from odinary ppl

as for the clips, that was a great success, they loved IPON 1998 video, they asked us to play it again, i was suprised they didnt ask to play the final again (but they were very amazed by it)

i want to release all the work, research we did, but i decided to make a website and release it that way
so i can do that during Christmas
my teacher accepted the idea of creating a website, it seems i also have to explain him how to make a website
so ill do all that during Christmas

Posted: Dec 2, 2004 14:54:19


Wow.................I'm impressed! I forgot to tell you that I also get very shy for presentations! They're definitely my #1 fear. However, I am a good speaker, and I can express myself very well. The only problem I have is getting started! But, once I get into it and it's a subject that I know a lot about, I feel fine. This is making me nervous for my final project presentation tomorrow!

Anyways, regarding your presentation, it seems that it was mostly a great success, despite the incidents with your partner. He probably forgot that it was only French and didn't know he was talking in English. I don't think you'll lose points for that, though I'm sure it would've been more formal if it wasn't for that. However, I'm more than certain that your overall concept and preperation were greatly appreciated. I'm also sure that your project was very original, especially the use of that IPON 1998 finale. (btw, I'm also a little surprise that they did not want to see the final either!) Well, as long as they were into it, that could bring great attention to your project and presentation.

Just a few questions about the entire thing. When you say that you were "afraid that he would answer in a simple way...," di he end up anwering in that context, or did you back him up and nswer the questions for him in specific detail?

Secondly, when you stopped him, did people find that humorous?

Thirdly, did you mnetion anything about the competition in terms of recommendations?

Finally, despite the presetation being over with, do you feel satisfied with yourself if you consider your individual performance on the entire presention, meaning did you feel that said everything you could say?

And, this has nothing to do with the topic, but.........

I HATE SNOW!!!!!! We had some yesturday morning and are supposed to be getting close to 5 cm by tomorrow.

Anyways, I'm proud that you're presentaion went well. Just wish me luck on my project tomorrow!

Congrats, and I look foward to reading your research!



Posted: Dec 2, 2004 15:27:25

"When you say that you were "afraid that he would answer in a simple way...," di he end up anwering in that context, or did you back him up and nswer the questions for him in specific detail?
Secondly, when you stopped him, did people find that humorous?"

i stopped him, i said to him (and the class) that ill answer the question and yes ppl laughed a bit

Smoke, u know, ive learned a lot from the first day i came here, so pretty much any question thrown at me, i would find some intelligent way to answer it, but for him it was just a month old research

if i remember the questions correctly:

1) is ok to do fireworks in my garden?
this was well answer, saying it was not safe, then the whole class started answering it
i wanted to say it was illegal to do it, i dont know if they heard it

2) how can i get the permission to do fireworks outside?
i stopped my partner, i said u need to go to a special school in Montreal and do ure studies and then get a permit (<- from Paul's story)
tough question, i hope im right

"did you mnetion anything about the competition in terms of recommendations?"

i only said "Des événemnts, comme le Mondial SAQ, à La Ronde", like i said before, i didnt want to go very far with the competition, i was warned not to go far

"pite the presetation being over with, do you feel satisfied with yourself if you consider your individual performance on the entire presention, meaning did you feel that said everything you could say?"

yes, i said everything i wanted to say, actually i learned my text by heart

as for ure presentation, GOOD LUCK!
i was shy in the beginning but then it went away, u really have to try be ure self, look at everyone and prove them u can say it without being shy, thats the technic i use

and if ure say something by heart, always imagine the text in head and read it, like u read from a paper

just a few tips

Posted: Dec 2, 2004 15:48:25


Sorry about my spelling errors. I've only noticed them when you quote them. I usually come back to edit my posts, that's the problem now. Do you see that new message there that follows you as you scroll down the page? It says: A founding member of Canadian Fireworks Association/ L'Association Canadienne De Pyrotechnie" Well, when you go to edit your work, that message is in the way when you go to press "edit". Instead, the link is there. Do you know how to move it away, or something? All I can say is that ever since it showed up, I could never edit my posts again!

Anyways, thx for anwsering my questions and thx for your support for my presentation tomorrow. Actually, I only learn the text by heart when the topic I'm doing is vague to me, however, when I do something that I know really well, then I can talk till my heart's content. Things like the weather, like my presentation that involved those lightning pics that I showed you recently. I did great on that one! My teacher said that the whole thing was unique and one of the most interesting in the sense I presented it.

Anyways, I'm going to practice my presentaion now!

Once again, good job.


Posted: Dec 2, 2004 16:05:59

Enkil, congratulations on your presentation, you should be very proud. When asked, most people's #1 is to stand up and make a presentation. I know I used to be terrified to do it but now I'm used to it.

As for the answers to your questions, people are allowed to use consumer fireworks in their gardens, but they have to follow the rules where they live since some towns only allow this at certain times of year (e.g. St Jean Baptiste, Canada Day, etc.). You also have to follow the safety instructions printed on the fireworks.

To do professional fireworks, you have to take the Government course and then apprentice on three displays before you are awarded your "Level 1 Supervisor Card". That's what I did in the past year.

As for the "edit" button being hidden by the CFA/ACP logo, I've moved it over a bit now so you should be OK. Though if you used a standards compliant browser, the logo would always stay out of the way at the bottom. I recommend using Firefox as it doesn't suffer from any of the problems that Interner Explorer does.



Posted: Dec 2, 2004 16:11:31

Yes, that's much better! Thx, Paul.



Posted: Dec 3, 2004 20:31:38   Edited by: Smoke


The logo was only a problem when I used my other PC, as it has a different browser. As you say, the standard compliant browser would keep the logo way at the bottom, which is on the PC that I usually use, which is my new one. Anyaways, I'm glad you moved it, so this way, if I'm editing my posts on my other PC, it would be fine.

As for consumer fireworks, I remember people using them back on Canada Day. Many were setting off prior to the big display held at the park near my house. Didn't bother me, though!



Posted: Dec 5, 2004 09:21:41

It is too late to tell but in case anyone have telled what is the word for firecracker i can tell it...

It is called: petard a meche

Posted: Jan 4, 2005 14:00:11

i want to know how sulfur works?

Posted: Jan 5, 2005 10:03:30

In what context?


Posted: Jan 18, 2005 19:07:40

hello.everyone here! i am a gal dealing with many kinds fireworks like display shells, cake , smokeless cold flame stage fireworks, roman candle and firecracker in fireworks town(Liuyang hunan China) , if anyone interested in it,please feel at esea to contact, luckli22852000@yahoo.com.cn
best regards!
fireworks anna Li

Posted: Jan 19, 2005 10:04:06

Thank you, Anna Li!

How is everything in Liuyang? Any new fireworks displays coming up there?



Posted: Jan 20, 2005 15:06:06

Hello, Anna!

I was been in Liuyang during 3 month. I know Liuyang very well. And i know many companies. Are you from Union fireworks company?

Posted: Jan 30, 2005 07:06:03


Anything special happening in Liuyang? Any fireworks displays coming up there?


Posted: Jul 12, 2005 08:18:04

Hi!, I'm Daniel, I have found a very nice system for

control and simulation of fireworks (and pyromusical

shows), I finding opinions about... They have a free

software that allows to create 3D simulations of any

pyrotechnic device, and it is free .
I'm refering to PMFC (Pyro Musical Fireworks Center) for

shooting control, PMFCsim for create simulations, and

FWEngine free software for devices creation and


Download "FWEngine" and "Simulation Demo Show" (it is a

pyromusical show with sound and 3D effects):

And look at the photos:

bests regards,

Daniel A.

Posted: Jul 31, 2005 20:18:13

Hello,everyone! I am glad to find this place to chat with you.

I am maryli from Red Eagle Industrial & Trade Co.,Ltd.,Hebei.We have been engaged in fireworks for over 10 years,and we have our own research development to creat new products. Our product are mostly exported to Canada, and also we are the APA member.

I like to make friends here. Who are interested in firewoks,please feel free to contact me.
Email: maryli@redeagletrade.com & brightwiremesh@hotmail.com

Our manager will be in the United States in September. I wonder if anyone like to have a talk with him,please at ease to contact me.
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