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 Montreal Fireworks Forum —› General —› Supposing you were the designer...
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Posted: Dec 27, 2007 13:04:56   Edited by: Smoke

Hey guys,

If you were the designer of a given display and had to prepare one, what exactly would you dedicate your performance to in terms of a constructed theme or subject, and what possible selection of soundtrack and effects would you utilize in support of that?

If I had to make one, I would likely title it "The beauty and power of Mother Nature", though perhaps leaning moreso towards a seasonal transition context. My choices for soundtrack would range obviously from more subtle to the hyped variety, but also limited more towards songs that incorporate a natural tone/relevance in them, either representing, for example, sunshine, rain, snow, thunderstorms (that would be ideal for a finale lol) and other aspects depicting the seasonal subtleties and extremes. Songs like "Snowbird", "Here Comes the Rain Again", "I Can See Clearly Now", "California Dreaming", Rains Down in Africa". etc., would suffice.

If this were the case, I'd likely concoct the display in such a way that there will be moments of calm (the serenity) interspersed by pieces that are more robust in demonstrating nature's fury. This sort of construction would prevent redundancy and perhaps similarities in firing scheme. I was also thinking about another type of scenario relating closely to what England did exaclty 6 months ago, where the show was predominantly sectored in two major components, where one piece was representing the day and the other showing off the more nocturnal aspects, which also were supported by a perfect storyline. In this case, I'd use a storyline walking us through each season, from Winter to Summer and simultaneously showing off the beauty and extremes of each briefly, while leading into a transition for the next season. I would likely keep Summer for last, though.

Aside from that, I can also condense the tranquil parts in half the show and the other half will be dedicated to a more active section leading up to a hopefully vehement penultimate piece as well as a strong finale. Keep in mind that most of the extremes occur in the Winter and the Summer, while at the equinox periods, things are mainly setting up for the solstices, and henceforth, transitions.

As for some effects to throw in, a lot of them would do it justice with this kind of thematic framework, particularly the shell of shells and mutli-breakers, salutes, and of course those crackling pistils since they, in particular, tend to make a noise in close resemblance of a heavy downpour of rain. I would also like to create a lightning simulation near the end using those typical photoflashes at mid to high level while enforced by a fast paced sequence of bright star crossettes (I think that's what they're referred to as) at the lower level coupled with some fast paced mines in between (kinda like USA 2003). An overall colorful display is assured and a variety of single and double-ascension girandolas are a certainty.

What would you guys do? (You don't necessarily have to go into as much detail as I did )


Posted: Dec 27, 2007 23:12:31

I would have alot of Classical music, hence of what Ipon does (althought I've never seen any of their displays). Only heard it from my house. I would have the song "Aquarius/Let The Sunshine In" by The 5th Dimension and make the final 2 minutes an unbeleivable finalebut also i'd have more than 10 000 salutes firing in sequences of 10 seconds!

Hopefully no one will get deaf!

Btw, i've never seen an aerial salute from closeup (the shell itself) and where it is placed.. Can you give me an update soon?


Posted: Dec 28, 2007 10:34:00

ok mine would be something close to my displays in rct3!

I want my displays to be a one of a kind display! i love different types of music that should show in the display! i've been thinkin of hip-hop songs to be in a display their rarely used! i would synch shell explosion sound to the song not the shell's burst! i would lots and lots of one shot ground effects in all sort of shapes and patterns!!

As for the theme i have too much ideas i don't know what to say! some theme i have thought of are (arranged in the titles i want)

music through the years- showing different kinds of music classic, opera, dance, hip hop, for the finale the music would stop and there would only be barrage and barrage of fireworks with no music at the end before the barrage of salutes i would have sooper speed one shot steppers in all shapes makin zipper sounds! synchronization would show very tight on some parts but on some parts i would love to see the "effect" actually dancing not the burst or whatever but the "effect" for example crackles would dance, tourbillions would reflect twisting sounds and go getters would reflect voices that kind of synch!

cliched moments - all the cliched songs would be used! 1812 overture, mozarts overture, beethovens 5th symphony and that kind! this one would show the different kinds of finales that we see that would have a few pauses introducing a new kind of finale! willow finale, studata finale, cylindrical shells finale the ones with salutes, ball shell carpet bombing color by color, ball shell carpet bombing with all colors, then a mix of cylindrical shells and ball shells! ending in salutes

a few more are a universal trip, cirque du soleil, and addiction (about games)! All of this im planning to show in montreal someday!

those are a few things! by the way here's my new show called carol of the stars! its a christmas show!! http://youtube.com/watch?v=LhBkYdhn6Aw

Posted: Dec 28, 2007 13:50:27

Hey Pat,

I like your choice of solely classical music, especially since this tends to work nicely with most displays I've seen that use this choice. Your finale construction also sounds excellent.

That said, I hope you get to see IPON one of these good years in Montreal, but Paul has uploaded a video of their performance in 2000, so I invite you to take a look at it whenever you get the chance. There's also the finale from 2004, if you're interested.

As for the aerial salutes, I always thought that most of them were fired well into the air as opposed to near ground level.

Nice to have you on the forum, btw.


Nice video, and that's a very interesting scenario that you proposed, although I don't know if Hip Hop would be a crowd pleaser - I know I'm not that fond of it! I like the other choices, though, particularly dance, as well as the some of the effects you would make use of.


Posted: Dec 31, 2007 11:53:45

Hey guys,

I also had in mind for many years now that there should also be a display completely dedicated to a mixture of dance, trance and techno soundtrack from the 80's and 90's; that would surely be an enjoyable, not to mention a mostly active display. Here comes the nostalgia again!


Posted: Dec 31, 2007 12:28:10

Yes !!!!!! It could be great to have a live set from a dj.

I think there should be an opening display out of the competition, and invite every year a different company with one requeriment:
It could be a great way to help the pyrotechnic art and a very good way to start the competition.


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