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Posted: Aug 9, 2008 12:43:16

Salut Roger!

Wow. Merci. Ce que tu as apporté tantot est vraiment intéressante. Surtout sr les effets inverses. Tu as raison, ils devraient, lors des sélections, se concentrer sur la diversité des gouts des juges . D'ailleurs, comment les choisissent-ils?


Posted: Aug 11, 2008 00:04:38   Edited by: Enkil

While doing some research, I found this article about Pyrotecnico. Check it out, it's an interesting read! Their show took nine months to design. They won't be back next year (not a surprise), but maybe in two years.

Posted: Aug 11, 2008 12:13:19

Salut Annoyinkidd

Pour répondre à ta question sur le choix des jurés.

1- Appel aux intéressés sur le site de l'international des feux Loto-Québec .Le nombre d'applications se chiffre généralement par centaines.
2-Les gens doivent composer un petit texte témoignant de leur intérêt à devenir membre du jury.
3- Première sélection par ordinateur.
4- Entrevue avec les personnes sélectionnées qui sont réparties selon leur sexe, leur groupe d'âge etc.....On veut que ce soit représentatif de la société.
5- Choix final des jurés après délibération du comité.
6- Formation d'une journée à la Ronde.

Voilà ..bon je mets un peu de réserves puisque depuis ma dernière présence sur le jury en 2003, il a pu avoir des changements.

Bonne journée


Posted: Aug 12, 2008 01:02:31   Edited by: Smoke

Portugal did an awesome job. Their choice of music ranks easily amongst the most enjoyable selections, for me at least, and was of course very relevant in accordance with the theme. The fireworks themselves probably possessed the best connectivity with the involved soundtracks and were literally "brought to life" in the most artistic and creative ways compared to most other displays we've seen this season, which is something that is rather critical in this competition for standing out amongst competitors, and thus for acquiring a strong natural advantage. Reflecting upon the thematic framework, Luso brought the selected award-winning films to life using the fireworks through a very complex and entertaining design that was virtually flawless in many regards, mostly tying into the low level sequencing while keeping the display in a very organized, emotional (great transitional points) and symmetrical manner at all levels of sky, as well as keeping things balanced from the right and left in perfect harmony. The choreography was very impressive, as also seen with the U.S (for instance) - everything was always well coordinated, and the right effects were often employed to respond accordingly to certain parts of whatever soundtrack - one notable instance was during "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly", where the whistling in that track would be accompanied by repeated mines of loud screaming serpents. Another example to throw in is during "Singing in the Rain", where variations of horsetails were put to use to symbolically represent the rain gently trailing down towards the surface. "Mission Impossible" and "Be Our Guest" are ideally also suitable segments for reference. Overall, compared to all the displays, I was easily most drawn in by this performance, mainly because of the choice of music and how beautiful the fireworks were used to support them so extravagantly - it was fabulous and inspiring. The quality of the products was excellent and the effects were in good diversity.

I don't see how both China and Australia could have been put ahead of Portugal, especially for third place. Of course, both these displays were excellent in their own respective ways (I did put Australia as the Bronze holder in my personal choice for the winners), but clearly not at the same level as was demonstrated by the Portuguese team. The only minute things I had as criticisms for Portugal were that perhaps the horsetails were overused during the display and the structure on ramp 4 didn't stand out as much as it could have during the segment in which it was seen. Also, during the finale, the color choice for the candles were dull and didn't really enforce too much the chaos that was going on just directly overheard. Finally, during the Titanic segment, fireworks were being fired solely at one end (the right) for some time before things began to emerge near the middle and eventually to the left - this pattern giving off the impression of imbalance at that particular point, but then again this arguably may have been entirely symbolic at the time, and therefore was intentional.

Finally, I'm still speculating the reasoning behind the judges' decision regarding the winners. If the results were based largely on the biggest shows, then it's no wonder why they chose USA for first place. Of course, this would also mean that mostly everything else in their performance was potentially neglected since the focus was predominantly on power, and therefore not recognizing the other many successful components of the American display altogether. Again, just my mind speculating wildly, but it still leaves me to wonder why Portugal didn't win anything in this respect since they had used an incredible amount of shells in their show, and much of the display held quite a few vehement pieces, too - in my mind, more than China.

Still, it would be very handy to actually see just how the judges graded Portugal, as well as other displays - I'm guessing that sort of information is strictly confidential, though.

Trav. (Bewildered and still in disappointment)
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